Active Partnerships Network Convention Repository 2022

Introduction to the Convention
Journeying in a whole systems approach
Connecting the Movement with Open Data
Climate Change and Net Zero
The Longevity Revolution
Tackling Racism and Racial Equality
Mobilising the movement – Street Games
Physical Activity and Sport adding value to inclusive and sustainable economic growth and prosperity (long-term)
Thinking strategically about Children and Young People: Aligning local priorities to Uniting the Movement
Sport for Development Coalition. Collective Action for Scaled Impact
System Partner working with Youth Sport Trust
Active Travel (creating active environments for all and reducing the effects of climate change through Active Travel
Active Partnerships and ukactive: Exploring how we can work better together to address inequalities and ‘build back fitter’
The closing session. Involving a panel Q&A, interview with Phil Smith (Sport England Executive Director, Partnerships)
Health and Inactivity – working together in a more connected and networked way