
Uniting the Movement Together
Date: Mon 15th March 10-12pm
The recently published Sport England strategy, Uniting the Movement, has been co-created with the sector and sets out a shared purpose and priorities for the next decade. Building on strong foundations, Sport England and Active Partnerships are committed to further strengthening our collaborative approach to maximise our collective impact in delivering the strategy across England.
Sport England Chief Executive Tim Hollingsworth will join this interactive session which will be the first of many conversations over the coming weeks and months to co-create how we work together, how we define the role of Active Partnerships in the context of local delivery, and how we develop our approach to funding, measurement, evaluation and learning to underpin this work.
Target Audience
All Active Partnership and Sport England colleagues are welcome to join this session.
Active Partnerships tackling racism and racial inequality
Date: Tues 16th March 9-11am
When the shocking death of George Floyd, caught on video in the US last summer, sparked protests and a national debate over racism and racial inequality in this country, a few colleagues got together and urged our network to act. Since then, Active Partnership Chief Executives have been on a shared journey to build our learning, galvanise our commitment and work out how we best respond to make a sustained and meaningful difference.
This session, a mixture of presentations and discussion groups, aims to share our learning to date and the plan we have agreed, and to establish what support colleagues need to ensure we deliver on our ambitions.
Target Audience
We would really like all Active Partnership staff and board members who are available to join this session. Whilst CEOs have been on the journey, we’d like you to join the session too to help share our network commitment and continue our collective efforts.
Connecting with the health system: Building meaningful relationships and aligning and integrating physical activity for shared ambitions
Date: Wed 17th March 10-12pm
Our physical and mental health is our biggest asset. However, data tells us there’s an increase in poor mental health amongst children and young people, that 1 in 3 working age adults now live with a long-term health condition, predicted to rise to 40% by 2030; and that healthy years of life have reduced for some of our communities over the last 10 years, including women.
With widening health inequalities that have been exacerbated by the pandemic, coupled with increased challenges to being regularly active for many, there has never been a more important time to align the sport and physical activity and health sectors, both at a national and local level, to work together to motivate and support people to be active in ways that work for them. However, there are often complexities in understanding when, where and how to connect our sectors in the most meaningful and impactful ways.
Building on the ambitions of the new Sport England strategy – Uniting the Movement – to continue to better connect physical activity with the health and wellbeing agenda, this workshop will draw upon a range of perspectives and experiences, both national and local, to understand better the health partners we want to get closer to, learning from things that are currently working well as well as consider some of the current and future opportunities and challenges we need to approach together for the benefit of all our communities.
Target Audience
Colleagues interested in deepening understanding and strengthening relationships with the health sector.
Essential Skills for Leading Change: Module 3 - Understanding your System
Date: Thurs 18th March, 9.30 - 11.30am
In this module you will learn how to understand the systemic context in which problems or challenges you are facing are located, and how to map systems sufficiently to understand strategies and paths for action, including understanding your role within the system you are seeking to change.
Collaborate CIC
Target Audience
Closed session for those registered on the system leadership programme
The role of the sport & physical activity sector in relation to economic recovery and economic growth – are we punching below our weight?
Date: Thurs 18th March 1.30-3pm
We are still in the midst of the changes driven by the pandemic. Can the sport and physical activity sector be a key part of the recovery agenda?
Join us as we take time to explore, debate and understand how the sport/physical activity sector is seen from the outside in relation to economic contribution and what we can do to accelerate recovery.
Sector and non-sector experts will share their views in a panel discussion including questions and interaction with the audience.
Target Audience
Colleagues interested in the link between the economic growth / workforce / skills agenda and sport and physical activity.
People Power - Our story of people leading change
Fri 19th March 10-11.30am
Organisations pursue “whole system change”. People “get stuff done”. So, how can we bring the two together to get everybody moving more?
Join Energise Me as the team share their story of putting community voices first. This is a warts and all story of how one Active Partnership challenged itself to change. From managing the expectations of partners to creating a strategy that doesn’t need a glossary, find out what they’ve learnt along the way.
This is not a polished ‘how to guide’. It’s a mix of what worked and what didn’t dotted with examples of what can happen when we harness people power.
Listen to Energise Me’s story and join a lively chat about language, power and why people really matter.
Target Audience
Colleagues interested in moving from consultation to co-creation involving the communities which you serve.
Sport & physical activity in the era of climate change – are we in extra time already?
Date: Mon 22nd March 3 – 5pm
Global warming is placing our planet and future generations at risk. Effective climate action from all sectors, including the sports sector, is needed now to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, and avoid the worst effects of climate change. The impact of climate change includes: rising temperatures, increase in extreme weather events, change in precipitation patterns, and sea-level rise. These issues are impacting us now and will continue to have a detrimental effect on participation in sport and physical activity, if we don’t act now. Can we realise the dual benefits of increasing activity levels (and improve population health) and mitigate climate change, or is it too late?
Panellists from industry and academia will address these issues from their perspectives with ample time for questions from the audience.
Target Audience
All colleagues interested in the active environments agenda and interested in the links between sport and physical activity and the climate crisis.
What is relevant to measure and how do we do it together?
Tuesday 23 March, 1.30pm-3.30pm.
Many of you are exploring how to mobilise whole-systems approaches around physical inactivity. This has opened up thinking at scale on how to develop more collaborative and participative approaches that accept the complexity of the challenge and redefine what we might traditionally have seen as value and progress.
At this session you will be part of discussions that explore measurement, evaluation and learning approaches when seeking to affect system change. This will draw in practice and experiences from a range of places and spaces and consider the opportunities to build on this together. You will also hear about plans for the development of Sport England’s new Evaluation and Learning Strategy and opportunities for shaping this.
Target Audience
This workshop will have a wide appeal to all colleagues interested in measurement, evaluation and learning.
Live Longer Better: ‘Liberation after Vaccination’
Date: Wed 24th March 10 – 11.45am
This workshop will provide further insight into the Live Longer Better Community of Practice led by 17 Active Partnerships and local partners, and supported by Sir Muir Gray, and provides an opportunity to declare action on the impact of COVID on older people. It will focus on ‘Reconditioning’ which requires people not only to be informed about the benefits of physical and mental activity, but also to receive the encouragement and enablement to take action —a cultural revolution to enable society to recondition after the COVID-19 pandemic and enable living longer better.
Other speakers to be confirmed
Target Audience
Cross-sector partners including:
Active Partnerships
Age UK (local and National)
Adult Social Care
Care Home providers
Please forward the details to relevant partners.
*Booking is via a separate booking platform
Rethinking governance? Building better future boards as we focus beyond compliance
Date: Wed 24th March 3-5pm
We all understand the purpose of an Active Partnership. Their ‘what’ has remained relatively constant over the 20 years they have sat at the heart of creating the conditions for an active nation.
But their ‘how’ has significantly evolved. And continues to do so, at pace. The conversations have become bigger, and networks they seek to influence broader. Leaders require differing qualities as they become agents of change. Focus is on outcomes, making progress, having clarity of intent, innovating, and strategic learning to influence system change across complex local places.
Boards are critical to Active Partnership’s achieving their ambitions. So how are our Boards evolving with them? And at the same pace? How do they support an organisation who can’t give all the answers and show ‘results’ today? How do they effectively govern an organisation who wants to talk about building relationships and trust rather than outputs? How are they bringing fresh approaches, perspectives and voices to traditional Boardroom meetings?
All Partnerships have achieved the highest level of the Sports Governance code and so we have strong foundations in place, but many are now thinking about how they continue to evolve.
Join us as we explore this shift from being compliance led to influencers of strategic change. We will hear from colleagues across the network telling their Board stories and make space to connect up, exchange ideas and share your local experiences.
Essential Skills for Leading Change: Module 3 Peer Session.
Date: Thurs 25th March 9.30 - 11am
A chance to discuss the topic in more detail with your peers bringing your local learning to the table – facilitated by Collaborate colleagues.
Collaborate CIC & participants on the programme
Target Audience
Closed session for those registered on the system leadership programme
Social Prescribing - Focusing the Lens by Building Connections with Communities.
Thursday 25th March 2 - 4pm
Social prescribing is complex and ever growing and thrives when great community connections are made. The workshop aims to focus the lens for Active Partnerships on the key ingredients that are emerging to build physical activity within local social prescribing eco-systems. We will hear from The National Academy of Social Prescribing about exciting innovative partnerships that are developing at a national level and explore how the network can support innovative developments within thier local area. We will also hear what it is like when working within social prescribing settings and the users needs in relation to physical activity. Finally you will hear the findings of the national social prescribing explore exercise completed by the APNT across the network and find out about a new support programme coming to the network to aid with building connections.
The session will combine presentations, Q & A and break out groups.
Target Audience
Health and workforce leads and all colleagues connected to social prescribing.