Programme 2022

Introduction to the Convention including Active Partnerships and Sport England updates.
Date: 21st March 10.00 -11.30am
A welcome and introduction to the two-week Convention. With updates and perspectives from Active Partnerships, Sport England and a look across the agenda for the fortnight.
Target Audience
All Active Partnership, Sport England and colleagues from across the movement who are interested in hearing how Active Partnerships and Sport England are moving forward.
Journeying in a whole systems approach
Date: 21st March 1.00 - 2.30pm
Purpose: To share learning and support each other on our leadership journey in whole systems approaches locally.
We are hoping this session will help with:
- A collective understanding of the patterns and similarities that leaders and teams experience on this journey.
- Greater connections, understanding and relationships built between people from different places.
- Understanding of the enablers for change and things that help with the bumps in the road along the way.
- A greater sense of being ‘in it together’ and having people to talk more openly with, mutual support and ongoing connection.
Target Audience
Leaders within Active Partnerships and anyone from across the movement who is leading within organisations as part of a whole systems approach.
Connecting the Movement with Open Data
Date: 22nd March 10.00 -11.30am
This session will explore open data within the physical activity sector and how we can connect sectors moving forwards.
During this session you will learn how and why Together Active created ‘Active My Way’, London Sport will share findings from their ‘open data in referrals’ project and hear from Energize/ODI how open data standards could work together to connect the physical activity and health sectors.
Whether you have never heard of open data, or have been heavily involved in the OpenActive initiative, by the end of this session you should leave feeling inspired by the benefits that open data can bring to our communities!
Target Audience
Anyone interested in how you can use open data to innovate and get more people moving.
Climate Change and Net Zero
Date: 22nd March 1.00 - 3.00pm
Update APs on
• The work of the Sport Environment and Climate Commission
• Share good practise around connecting with the climate agenda locally to support and progress the Physical Activity agenda
• How as Active Partnerships we can help clubs and organisations to adapt to climate change and move towards becoming net zero in their operations.
Target Audience
Everyone across the Network
The Longevity Revolution - reducing the burden on Health and Social Care – an opportunity and necessity to galvanise cultural change through healthy active ageing.
Date: 23rd March 10.00 -11.30am
The number of older people is increasing, both in absolute terms and relative to the numbers of young people. This is usually portrayed as a major problem but our understanding of the science of what is happening to us as we live longer is getting clearer, and the evidence about what can be done to prevent or delay, or slow or even reverse the conditions we fear most – frailty, dementia and dependence is getting stronger. The burden on health and social care can be significantly reduced by increasing activity – physical, cognitive and emotional. But we need a revolution, a cultural revolution in how we think about living longer and therefore in what we do.
We need to:
- Refocus the lens on population ageing to healthy longevity
- Focus on reconditioning rather than deconditioning
- Prescribe activity with, and sometimes instead of, drug prescriptions
- Recognise that physical activity professionals are agents of change as catalysts for action within complex systems.
We look forward to sharing some excellent presentations and speakers around the Live Longer Better work, inspired by Sir Muir Gray in collaboration with Active Partnerships.
Come and join our Cultural Revolution – Live Longer Better: Viva la Revolution!
Target Audience
All sector colleagues from local authorities, Age UK, NHS, Care Homes, Leisure Trusts, voluntary and community sector partners, and Physical Activity Professionals.
Tackling Racism and Racial Equality
Date: 23rd March 2pm – 4pm
Over the last two years, the Active Partnership Network has been and continues to be on an important journey to firstly understand but importantly address how we can collectively tackle racism in sport & physical activity.
The network has created a Racial Equality Commitment to tackling racism. This commitment covers 6 key themes, and this event provides an insightful opportunity to hear first-hand the lived experience of the effect of racism in sport and aims to help us understand how we all can make a difference.
Some Active Partnerships will take the opportunity to share their journey but importantly you will get the chance to talk to others about; what have you found most challenging and reflect on how after today you can individually make a difference.
Definitely not to be missed!
Target Audience
All colleagues from across the movement interested in a deeper understanding of how we can collectively and positively address Race Equality issues.
Mobilising the movement – collaboratively growing participation in sport and physical activity in low-income, underserved communities.
Date: 24th March 9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m
StreetGames’ sole focus is on developing sport and physical activity for children and young people from low-income, underserved communities in a way that addresses some of the other inequalities they face. This session will be divided into 3 sections with wellbeing activities in-between:
Session 1: We will share the ambition within our new strategy and invite collaborative discussions on what already works to support participation growth and potential opportunities for collective action in future. (45 mins)
Session 2: We will facilitate themed discussion groups on developing the right workforce; working with the criminal justice sector; opportunities within the Holiday Activities and Food programme and working with NGBs to tackle inequalities. (45 mins)
Session 3: Place-based approaches – Our Area Directors will be available to engage in regional discussions with interested Active Partnership colleagues about collaborative work around place. (45 mins)
Target Audience
Active Partnership CEOs, Workforce leads, CYP leads, Place-based leads
Physical Activity and Sport adding value to inclusive and sustainable economic growth and prosperity (long-term)
Date: 25th March 1.00 - 2.30pm
As a network, we aspire to harness the power of the sector locally and nationally to accelerate our ability to deliver health and economic outcomes to for people, businesses, partners, communities and places.
Join this session in the convention as we focus on two key areas of how physical activity and sport adds value to inclusive and sustainable economic growth and prosperity.
- Hear first-hand how Active Lancashire have embedded physical activity within a collaborative partnership approach, working with those most at risk of health inequalities in their area. They are 8 years in and going strong. Find out more about the fundamental shift and top tips of where to start.
- Hear more about the strategic changes around skills nationally and what this could mean on the ground for Active Partnerships and other local skills partners and employers.
This session will provide the opportunity to hear direct from key speakers but also provide the opportunity for attendees to ask questions to the panels connected to the two key agendas.
Target Audience
Active Partnership network members – Anyone involved in the Active Partnership network with an appetite to enhance the links to inclusive economic growth and prosperity within their current work, share their learning and support local and national progress around this agenda.
Private, public and voluntary sector partners with a focus on:
• Economic development/roles linked to skills or supporting those furthest from the labour market
• Employers within the sector, skills board members in local skills work.
• Anyone with an appetite to progress the economic
Thinking strategically about Children and Young People: Aligning local priorities to Uniting the Movement
Date: 28th March 9.00 - 10.30am
Sport England’s System Partner investment into the Active Partnership network has required many APs to consider why and how children and young people work should be delivered. With tackling inequalities and place based working front and centre, this session will introduce examples of what three APs have done to align their work to that of UtM.
After an initial introduction to new ways of working provided by GreaterSport, Active Gloucestershire and Yorkshire Sport Foundation there will be a series of conversation starters and breakouts to provide space to share questions, challenges and approaches.
Target Audience
Active Partnership CYP leads
Sport for Development Coalition. Collective Action for Scaled Impact: Challenges and Opportunities and Sustainable Change for Good
Date: 29th March 10.00 - 11.30am
The sport for development coalition includes over 220 different organisations who sign up to a way of working in collaboration for the greater good. Whilst each of these organisations does great things for their beneficiaries collectively they collaboration together means that our sector is recognised as a vehicle for change and is attracting much more attention than ever before. But how does the coalition use collective action, what works well, when can it go wrong and what are the top tips for people wanting to co-create and use a servant leadership approach within community development.
Hosted and facilitated by the core team of the Sport for Development Coalition
Simon Lansley, Kelly Smith and Emma Atkins with a range of guests from across the coalition sharing their real life examples of collective action – the good, the bad and the ugly!
Target Audience
This session is aimed at anyone and everyone who wants to drive change in their communities or sector. Whether you are new to the ideas of collective action or been successful or not with it in the past, this session will provide top tips and share learning from a range of real life examples of collective action – the good, the bad and the ugly!
With academic partners of the Coalition keeping us on track with the science behind collective action
System Partner working with Youth Sport Trust
Date: 29th March 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm
The session will give an overview of the role of Youth Sport Trust as a system partner in delivering Uniting the Movement.
Ali Oliver and her team will initially set out their vision and strategy before we enter into group discussions on the current picture and development of collaborative networks to support schools at a local level.
Target Audience
CEOs and Active Partnership Education Leads
Active Travel (creating active environments for all and reducing the effects of climate change through Active Travel, inc an update from Chris Boardman from Active Travel England).
Date: 30th March 10.00 - 12.00pm
To explore how Active Partnerships can contribute to creating active environments for all and reduce the effects of climate change through Active Travel.
The national policy and context will be examined and then two locally based examples from Greater Manchester and Oxfordshire on emerging ways to work in this policy area.
Target Audience
Colleagues from across the network who wish to explore how Active Partnerships can contribute to creating active environments for all and reduce the effects of climate change through Active Travel.
Active Partnerships and ukactive: Exploring how we can work better together to address inequalities and ‘build back fitter’.
Date: 30th March 1.00 - 2.30pm
ukactives ambition for growth of the fitness and leisure sector will support more people to be more active more often and at the heart of this growth will be a focus on tackling the worsening inequalities that exist up and down the country.
We want to share with you our ambitious strategy ‘An ambition for Growth’, provide examples of successful partnership working between ukactive and Active Partnerships and invite collaborative discussion on how we can strengthen this great work and ‘work better together’ across the whole Active Partnership network to build back fitter
Target Audience
Active Partnership Directors and UK Active colleagues.
Health and Inactivity – working together in a more connected and networked way
Date: 31st March 10.00 - 11.30am
Following an initial meeting at the end of January where more than 40 Active Partnership’s ‘Health Heads’ together explored the challenges, opportunities and complexities of the health and inactivity agenda, this is a follow-up meeting to agree a shared vision and purpose, and understand what’s needed to achieve it. This session will share early thinking and explore a blended approach to support APs across the health and inactivity space, through various learning methods, shared platforms, informal touchpoints and specific focused sessions.
Target Audience
Active Partnerships involved in / interested in the Health and Inactivity space locally and nationally
The closing session. Involving a panel Q&A, interview with Phil Smith (Sport England Executive Director, Partnerships) and a summary of the key points from the Convention.
Date: 1st April 10.00 – 11.30am
An opportunity to hear from Phil Smith and a host of colleagues from across the movement who will be sharing their key learnings from the Convention.
Other speakers to be confirmed
Target Audience
All Active Partnership, Sport England and colleagues from across the movement who are interested in hearing the key messages from the Convention and key insights from Sport Englands Phil Smith.